Golden Girl
I never thought I'd come back to blogging, but here I am and here I go! One of my goals for 2024 is to be more intentional with my long term marketing. I have been in the {bad} habit of “just doing” because that’s what I have always done. I tell myself I don't have the capacity or the time to rethink how I've been moving and how I plan to move forward with Sunny and Cheer. But, recently someone asked the question, “is what you’re doing actually hard or is it just that it’s new?” Insert mind blown emoji. That question and the reframing of the word “hard” has given me fresh perspective and has reenergized me. Marketing and planning are challenging because they’re new-ish, not actually hard. I can do hard things, I’ve done plenty of hard things over the course of 47 years and this isn’t hard. I love marketing, branding, and creating content, these things are fun to me. It’s the time commitment that feels daunting and slightly overwhelming. What I am about to do is something I haven’t taken the time to do in a very, very long time. I have to carve out time to create new habits and disciplines. These things won’t be easy, but I can say with confidence they also will not be hard. This is a challenge that I am looking forward to.

I can’t think of a better way to kick off the launch of the blog than with an interview I did for Goldie, a mother’s lifestyle brand rooted in the daily rituals between mothers and our little ones. While my “little ones” are not so little any more I share a preview: into the next stages of life with tweens and teens, the best advice I’ve ever received, and some helpful thrift tips that I hope inspire you to get out there and get into thrifting. Click here to read the interview and check out my hot take on balancing work, family, and time for myself.
Here's to working smarter, accepting new challenges, carving out time to create new habits, and to reviving old + creating new.